9 November 2016

Mediation and Counseling

Once we have received the registration form, we will set up an appointment. In this meeting we try to collect all the requirements and wishes a family has for the new childminder. This way we can start the search for a CM that suits the family.
Once we have found them, a meeting will be set up. If there seems to be a match Opvoedplus will join in a conversation to make agreements and set up contracts. If all the papers are filled out the registration for LRK can be submitted by Opvoedplus.
Twice a year we will evaluate to see if everything goes according to plan and if there are any difficulties. We will coach and educate if needed. Our Pedagogues are always available for guidance, questions or advice.

Irisstraat 81, 2565 TG, Den Haag
06-29 62 26 48