At Opvoedplus we stand for positive parenting from pedagogical expertise. This is achieved by working from a clear vision that is both endorsed by our childminders (CM, the nanny’s) and the families. A child grows, literally and figuratively, through positive attention, the right encourgement and a safe educational environment.
Opvoedplus encourages CM in working from our educational vision, by letting them reflect on their work. Where necessary, adjustments in their approach and regular workshops and courses will be organized to ensure that the knowledge of our CM’s remains current and appropriate.
With a positive approach, we make it our goal to encourage children to develop their talents and social-emotional skills. CM will aim to increase self-reliance and responsibility in children by involving them (at their own level) in daily activities. We believe a consistent approach provides clarity and predictability so that both the child, parents and childminder know where they stand.